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This model demonstrates a simple 2D physics simulation in NetLogo. Each turtle has properties such as **mass**, **radius**, and **velocity**. The model applies:
- **Gravity**, pulling turtles downward, - **Wall collisions**, which bounce the turtles off the edges of the world, - **Turtle-turtle collisions**, modeling elastic collisions between circular objects.
It showcases how to update positions, velocities, and detect collisions in each time step to create a rudimentary “physics engine” in NetLogo.
1. **Turtle Variables** Each turtle has: - `vx` / `vy`: Velocity in the x/y directions, - `mass`: Used in collision calculations, - `radius`: Used to check if two turtles overlap.
2. **Gravity** A small negative constant is added to `vy` every tick, causing a downward acceleration.
3. **Movement** Each turtle’s position (`xcor`, `ycor`) is updated by adding (`vx`, `vy`) once per tick.
4. **Boundary Collisions** When a turtle crosses a boundary, it is pushed back into the valid area, and its velocity component (x or y) is reversed.
5. **Turtle-Turtle Collisions** - The distance between two turtles is compared to the sum of their radii. If they overlap, they are first separated. - Then, their velocities are updated using simplified **elastic collision** formulas based on their masses.
1. **Buttons** - **Setup**: Clears the world and creates a specified number of turtles with random positions, velocities, and masses. - **Go**: Repeatedly applies gravity, moves turtles, and checks for collisions in each tick. - **Up**: Add upward acceration to turtles - **Mouse click**: Add Force to turtles which points at the mouse location
2. **Initial Conditions** - By default, 20 turtles are created, each with random properties (mass, velocity, radius). You can modify these values in the code or by adding a slider in the Interface tab.
3. **Running the Model** 1. Click **Setup** to initialize. 2. Click **Go** to start the simulation. 3. Observe how turtles move, bounce off walls, and collide with each other.
- **Mass Effect**: When a light turtle collides with a heavier one, the lighter turtle’s velocity changes more dramatically. - **Energy Exchange**: In perfectly elastic collisions, kinetic energy is conserved. Turtles may exchange velocities but the total system energy (minus any gravity potential changes) remains roughly the same. - **Gravity**: Notice how gravity accelerates turtles downward. They will bounce on the “floor” boundary repeatedly.
1. **Vary Gravity** Change the gravity constant in the code to see how stronger or weaker gravity affects the system.
2. **Inelastic Collisions** Modify the collision formulas to remove some fraction of velocity (e.g., multiply velocities by 0.9) to simulate energy loss.
3. **Friction / Damping** Multiply each velocity by a factor < 1 (e.g., 0.99) each tick to simulate drag or friction.
4. **Remove Gravity** Comment out the `apply-gravity` procedure call so turtles only collide with each other and the walls.
5. **Increase Turtles** Raise the number of turtles to see if performance changes or how collisions become more frequent.
- **Rotational Dynamics**: Give turtles angular velocity and calculate spin changes on collisions. - **Gravitational Attraction**: Replace the constant downward gravity with pairwise Newtonian attraction so turtles orbit each other. - **Spatial Partitioning**: For many turtles (hundreds or thousands), collision checks become expensive. Implement a grid or quadtree to reduce the computational load.
- **Turtles**: Each turtle holds custom variables (`vx`, `vy`, `mass`, `radius`). - **Patches**: Used here primarily for setting a background color. - **Built-In Primitives**: - `distance` for measuring the distance between turtles, - `min-pxcor` / `max-pxcor` (and similarly `pycor`) for boundary detection. - **Procedures**: The model splits actions into distinct procedures (`apply-gravity`, `move-turtles`, `handle-wall-collisions`, `handle-turtle-collisions`).
- **GasLab** models in the NetLogo Models Library, which simulate elastic collisions among particles in a 2D container. - **Particle System** or other physical simulation models available in the library or on the NetLogo community website.
- This code and explanation were adapted for demonstration purposes. - NetLogo is created by Uri Wilensky and developed at the Center for Connected Learning and Computer-Based Modeling, Northwestern University. - To learn more about NetLogo, visit the [NetLogo website](